Labels:text | number | font | document OCR: COMPUTING BANDWIDTH Number Bytes Frequency 8it's per Effective active | Force Farce of pa Tolerable second user count minimum maximum Minimum Maximum Task users task tasks delay per task {EAUC) EAUC EAUC bandwidth bandwidth 5250 Terminol 51 2.048 20.00000 100000 16,384.00 2.55 0.00 3.5.00 41.779.20 573,440.00 emiulation- talhel franges From 1KB 10 4KB, depending on screens) Ile server print 51 9.216 1600.00000 30.000001 7.372.80 0 85 0.00 0.00 7,372.80 7.372.80 job (single page Word document [text] from work- station to queue File server print. 51 173.056 1,800.00000 15.00000 92,296.53 0.43 0.00 0.00 92.296.53 92,296.53 job (single poge Word documenti loxt and graphics] from workstation o Total: 141,448.53 |673,109.33 Table 2: To compute the anintent of bandwidth the customer needs, use a separate chart for cach link.